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To: adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie)
From: dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan)
Subject: Re: SOmethig for LW 5.0??
Cc: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
>How about the ability to add displacement maps on to actual surfaces of
>objects so that they displace what they touch during an animation..for
>example..this would make the addition of footsteps in sand much easier..or
>ease tire tracks..etcc.etc...the have the ability to assign attributes to
>teh displacemetn..like..duration before reverting back ot the old
>object..birth adn death timelines i guess they are called..ok just an idea i
>had a few hours ago...see yaa
Yeah.. whatever... let's get 4.0 out the door first...
(312) 239-7957
dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan) sent this message.
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